Keeping a broad U.S. energy portfolio is key
One size does not fit all when it comes to national energy policy. We must keep in mind the dynamics of various regions as we integrate more clean energy sources
View ArticleQuit feeding the EPA beast
Murkowski resolution would stop meddlesome EPA so Congress can get back to work on debating a comprehensive energy bill and passing legislation that will both help America find affordable and reliable...
View ArticleSetting federal energy standards won’t create jobs
As electricity costs rise, businesses will lay off employees in order to pay the air conditioning and lighting bills—and as states are forced to use more renewable sources, they will cut back on coal...
View ArticleStep back and look at all energy options on the table
As the EPA and other organizations are analyzing the American Power Act—or any piece of legislation pertaining to energy—it is important that they keep an eye on the aggregate impact of the proposals...
View ArticleA one-size-fits-all renewable energy standard will cause more problems than...
The EPA has done good research on the American Power Act, and it’s clear that there are aspects of the bill that would be beneficial to our energy problem and the country as a whole. But more research...
View ArticleBeyond the spin: The truth about wind energy generation
The goal of converting to an energy plan relying heavily on renewable sources is noble, but comes with a hefty price tag. With so many clean resources available—including nuclear power and natural...
View ArticleGive renewable energy standard a closer look before passage
With so many energy options on the table, Congress should not enact a federal renewable energy standard just for the sake of passing a climate bill. Instead, they should closely examine all energy...
View ArticleSenate should not rush to pass energy legislation, no matter its content
Congress has been debating a comprehensive energy package for nearly a year, but the Senate is ready to rush passage of an entirely new energy proposal in the remaining days before the recess
View ArticleRenewable energy standard will never be the answer
It’s clear, then, that a federal renewable energy standard wasn’t popular at the beginning of the energy debate, isn’t popular now, and isn’t going to be popular come September
View ArticleEPA Regulations: A Step in the wrong direction
Given the evidence so far, it’s clear that the EPA’s plans are a step in the wrong direction for our energy future and the economy
View ArticleThe troubling consequences of EPA regulations
With the EPA set to begin issuing emissions permits as early as January 2011, it’s more important than ever for Congress to stop these job-killing regulations and to develop an affordable,...
View ArticleOn energy, lawmakers and regulators need to chill out
If we try to limit our power sources — either through legislation or through regulations — our energy problems will only worsen.
View ArticleA federal renewable energy standard would be disastrous
A federal renewable energy standard would destroy 1 million jobs and cause energy prices to rise by 30%.
View ArticleThe Senate should reject the federal renewable energy standard bill
A federal renewable energy standard would hit the poor the hardest.
View ArticleTell your member of Congress to stop overburdensome and expensive energy laws
A federal renewable energy standard would cost $5.2 trillion over 28 years and destroy 1 million jobs per year.
View ArticleCongress should stand up to the EPA
Sen. Jay Rockefeller's bill would place a two-year moratorium on new EPA climate regulations.
View ArticleMr. Obama, tell the EPA to change the Tailoring Rule
The EPA's Tailoring Rule, which determines which industries are subject to greenhouse gas regulations, will hurt our economy if it isn't fixed.
View ArticleCongress needs to act on the EPA
Congress needs to roll back the EPA's overly burdensome regulations while finding ways to develop an affordable and reliable energy plan for our country.
View ArticleThe election was a referendum on energy policy
On Tuesday, the American people rejected Democrats' costly energy policies.
View ArticleCongress should block the EPA from implementing its CO2 regulations
If the regulations aren’t stopped, they will wreak havoc on energy prices and the economy as a whole.
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